Saint Mary’s Commitment to Sustainability Earns a Nod in The Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges

That’s thanks to passionate learners and committed citizens caring for our common home—with 学生 leading the way.

by 史蒂文·博伊德·萨姆 | 2022年12月21日

Saint Mary’s College of California is featured in the 2023 edition of 普林斯顿评论指南353绿色学院, which highlights schools that are committed to the environment and green practices. 

这是第13期《十大网赌平台》,” which is based on data from the Princeton Review’s annual survey of hundreds of four-year colleges. 正如指南所述, 圣玛丽采取喇沙修士的方法来服务和学习, using the study of the liberal arts to produce 学生 who are both passionate learners and committed citizens.

Summer Research Project: Vanessa Carsey ’23 analyzes lichen DNA from the area of Napa Valley's Quail Ridge Trail Fire to determine recovery timelines. / Francis Tatem摄

“Part of our mission at Saint Mary's is educating our campus community on environmental issues and providing them with the necessary resources to implement sustainable practices,圣玛丽院长说 理查德·帕朗柏. “我们支持适用的研究, strive to incorporate sustainability into our academic programming and business operations, 努力为我们的学生树立榜样, 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 当地社区成员, 以及行业合作伙伴.”

Making sustainability a priority and caring for our common home is an important reflection of the values of equity, 正义, 和包容性塑造了学院的工作. Saint Mary’s builds upon its unique curricular models to equip 学生 to tackle the most pressing environmental problems, while simultaneously transforming the built campus environment into a living laboratory for equitable and sustainable solutions.

这在实践中意味着什么? 在校园, 学生, 工作人员, and 教师 can take advantage of numerous programs and initiatives offered by Saint Mary's Sustainability programs. Sustainability Student Leaders play a key role in certifying Green Spaces, 制定和实施可持续的食品做法, 减少浪费. 整个校园都在努力实现零浪费倡议.

Saint Mary's is uniquely situated to be a leader in environmental 正义, 更具体地说,食物公正

Some 学生 also take part in an inclusive Sustainability Living Learning Community. 他们领导着绿色盖尔斯学生俱乐部和气候行动SMC. And scores of 学生 work in the Legacy Garden, a half-acre living lab on campus.


安Drevno博士担任SMC可持续发展目录. Princeton’s green schools rankings are a welcome acknowledgment of the work Saint Mary’s is doing, 她说. An even more rigorous environmentally-focused ranking rubric is STARS—which stands for sustainability tracking and assessment and rating system. “Over the last eight years, Saint Mary’s has earned progressively higher rankings,” she notes. “我们在2020年从铜牌到银牌再到金牌.” 

在校园和与社区合作伙伴一起思考绿色 约瑟夫·阿米尔摄

鉴于学院在湾区的位置和它的传统, Drevno says that Saint Mary's is uniquely situated to be a leader in environmental 正义, 更具体地说,食物公正. “这植根于我们喇沙修士的社会正义价值观, 我们天主教关怀最边缘化群体的价值观,她说。.

今年秋天, through a partnership between Sustainability and the 天主教喇沙修士社会行动研究所, 圣玛丽被带上了船 Makaiya 贝德福德 ' 25 作为第一位食品司法实习生. 贝德福德, a second-year Environmental Science and Allied Health Science major, works closely with Drevno to assess the capacity for expanding community-based partnerships with local food 正义 organizations. “A focus of our work is how to thoughtfully integrate the College’s long history of community partnerships, 在历史上被边缘化的社区, with our on-campus half-acre garden that seeks to be a model for food systems change,德列夫诺说.

这次实习的成果已经初见成效. The dozens of 学生 who receive hands-on training in regenerative agriculture techniques every semester at the Legacy Garden now have the opportunity to go off-campus to several urban farms in Pittsburg and Alameda to deepen and broaden their experiences. “学生们走出校园,在食物沙漠里工作, and with organizations that hire foster youth and previously unhoused populations,德列夫诺说. “So our 学生 get to engage not only in the farm and that food system change but also that underlying social change.”

“也许他们不会记得我们获得了STARS金牌排名, 但他们会记得去匹兹堡的一个农场, 与社区成员一起除草或覆盖, 交换故事, 建立人际关系.”

就是这些个人经历, Drevno笔记, which will more deeply affect Saint Mary’s 学生—and stick with them years after graduation. “也许他们不会记得我们获得了STARS金牌排名, 但他们会记得去匹兹堡的一个农场, 与社区成员一起除草或覆盖, 交换故事, 建立人际关系.”


Yajima Yui
《十大正规网赌平台》作者:矢岛游, 五年级, 2022年“文字之河”比赛艺术类二等奖

圣玛丽教堂也是 环境知识普及中心的一部分 卡尔马诺维茨教育学院. 其标志性的年度活动是国际 文字之河 competition, an event that nurtures “Youth Art and Poetry Inspired by the Natural World.” 

Acknowledged for its pioneering role in the field of place-based education, 文字之河 has been inspiring educators and their 学生 for over 25 years with an innovative blend of science and the arts. 它是由受人尊敬的诗人和圣玛丽校友创立的 罗伯特·哈斯,63年1995年至1997年担任美国桂冠诗人.

年度比赛的获胜者通常在3月份公布, 并在接下来的几周为获奖者举行庆祝活动. In 2022, the 文字之河 celebration was held in conjunction with Saint Mary’s annual Earth Day festival and Lasallian Heritage Days in April. 计划在2023年重复这种合作. 也是在春天, watch for a special exhibit of 文字之河 poetry and art at the Saint Mary’s 艺术博物馆. 


It’s worth noting that Saint Mary’s appears in the most recent list of “很酷的学校由 塞拉 杂志,塞拉俱乐部的官方杂志. Each of the schools ranked has shown its commitment to addressing climate change, 保护环境, and encouraging environmental responsibility through its campus operations, 学生参与, 和十大网赌平台.

Earlier this year, The Princeton Review included Saint Mary’s in its list of 388所十大正规网赌平台 在乡下. The 2023 version of the annual college guide recognizes Saint Mary’s as one of its Best Western Colleges and a Green College, and it lauds Saint Mary’s for its academic support services and campus life. 


史蒂文·博伊德·萨姆 is Executive Director of Strategic Communications and Content for Saint Mary’s. 给他写.

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